HDPE新材料铺路板能够改进作业环境,提高作业效率。从美化环境视点看,HDPE新材料铺路板的启用,改变了以往一边作业,一边开山的作业形式,现在能够把精力悉数投入到作业中来。不光能够改进库区凌乱不堪的状况,并且也能够铺在路面上承载过往车辆的压力,不致于让路途损毁。 HDPE new material pavement can improve the working environment and efficiency. From the point of view of beautifying the environment, the use of HDPE new material paving board has changed the operation form of "one side of the work, one side of the mountain", and now it can put all its energy into the operation. It can not only improve the disordered conditions in the reservoir area, but also can be paved on the road to bear the pressure of passing vehicles, so as not to damage the road.